Heal in Luxury
(818) 726-1752
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Why is it important to hire a private nurse after my tummy tuck?

You made the decision to invest in yourself and the best way to protect yourself and your investment is by hiring one of our trained nurses! After a tummy tuck, your surgeon will have placed 1 or 2 drains in your lower pubic region. These drains assist in draining any excess fluid after surgery to avoid complications. However, proper care for these drains are what assist in avoiding infection or clots blocking the drainage mechanism. Our qualified nurses will assist in both performing and educating you and your loved ones on the proper drain care to further protect your investment.

Furthermore, an important factor of your postoperative journey, is pain management. Our nurses assist in keeping you comfortable with your prescribed medication while also incorporating alternative pain relieving methods, such as proper body positioning, aromatherapy to promote relaxation, and over the counter regimen additives such as arnica, if not already prescribed by your surgeon. Keeping you on a proper pain management schedule is imperative to avoid breakthrough pain especially in the first few days of your recovery. Our nurses will teach you and your loved ones about your medication, how to properly administer it, and advise you of important precautions to take while taking prescribed pain medication.

Lastly, our nurses are well informed on the importance of adequate nutrition after this invasive procedure. This is not the time to diet. Our nurses will guide you in making proper, nutritious meal choices during your recovery to ensure your body is receiving all the nutrients needed to assist in optimizing your recovery and results!